Buhlmann Decompression Software


. DecoPlanner is available through GUE for Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/2000/ME/XP/Vista/7/8/10. DecoPlanner 3 comes bundled with both DiveLog and GMP and is now available through GUE for $149 US. Owners of the previous versions of DecoPlanner can purchase the new version for $129. Click to add the discounted version to your shopping cart. Thousands of copies of DecoPlanner are used by divers around the world in both recreational and aggressive technical diving situations, including world record cave diving explorations in the Woodville Karst Plain and deep-sea documentation of the Britannic shipwreck.

DecoPlanner has been used to calculate a series of progressively more aggressive long and deep dives. Developed by Simon Tranmer, with assistance by Erik Baker and GUE representatives from around the world, DecoPlanner is available through GUE for Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/2000/ME/XP/Vista. Jarrod Jablonski discusses the concepts behind DecoPlanner's development My primary goals in working with Erik, Simon, Graeme, Andy, Sue et al in the development of the program were twofold. First I wanted to help create a very simple program that allowed one to make changes at any point in the dive easily and quickly. The simple Excel style spreadsheet format provides divers with an unprecedented level of control and convenience. Divers can immediately change any part of their dive plan and instantly recalculate their profile. Calculate loss of deco gases, multiple mixtures, multilevel dive profiles, repetitive dives and a host of various parameters with the touch of a button.

Ultimate Planner VPM-B and Buhlmann-GF Deco Planner. Youtube lagu lama. Ultimate Planner is a decompression planning software program incorporating both Varying Permeability Model with Boyle's Law compensation (VPM-B) and Buhlmann's published ZHL-16B and ZHL-16C, along with ZH-L16D (based on his recommendations) with.

Experience a new level of control over safety factors with GUE's revolutionary gradient factor method, which allows safety factors to be customized across multiple diving profiles. For example, gradient factors establish a percentage of maximum compartment pressure, which can be individually established based on individual decompression success. GUE's DecoPlanner finally allows divers a legitimate and reasonable method to calculate deep stops. DecoPlanner empowers divers with a calculated max decompression stop, which indicates the deepest effective stop. DecoPlanner eliminates the ad hoc, mysterious, and subjective 'guidelines' for deep stops.

Buhlmann Decompression Software

Enjoy a proven and sensible deep stop technology proven by years of aggressive diving and developed by some of earliest proponents of deep stop benefits. DecoPlanner displays a range of valuable information allowing divers to monitor compartment pressure of all inert gasses, m-values,%m-value, gradient factor,%ambient pressure and more. Enjoy the ease of planning multiple times and depths all at one time.


For example, calculate a 200-250 dive from 10-30 minutes in a matter of seconds. Switch from Metric to Imperial measurements and back quickly and easily. Enjoy a convenient and scuba calculator and free associated gas-mixing program. At the end of the first dive of a mission (i.e. After all decompression) each compartment will have a certain loading of helium and nitrogen. Generally, after oxygen decompression, the fast compartments will be completely empty of helium and nitrogen and they will on-gas with nitrogen during the surface interval. The slowest compartment, 635 min for nitrogen, takes over 2-1/2 days to completely off-gas so any repetitive dive will halt that process.

If you own Deco Planner version 3.1.3, you can download an upgrade to 3.1.4. (Right-click and Save as.). When your purchase is complete your file will appear in your 'My files' section (accessed from your personal menu on the right). The file will be available for 6 months. Please make sure to back up your download; after the 6 month download period, the file will need to be repurchased at a 50% discount if lost.

Matti has an M.Sc. In technical physics and Ph.D.


In spaceflight instrumentation, so diving science is close to his heart. He got trained as a minehunter diver in the Finnish Navy in 1995 using semi-closed rebreathers, and later pursued for recreational and then technical diving. In late 1990’s he begun teaching technical diving in Finland, and currently he is on the IANTD Board of Advisors. Matti is interested in diving technology, experimental diving and cave diving, but still founds it equally nice to teach open water diving class for beginners or trimix diving for more advanced divers.