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I'm a member of the Despair Faction, and AFI has been incorporated into one of my tats as well. I have infinite respect for the band, the lyrics, and the music.
To answer your question, the EP has not been leaked yet. Rumor is that it's set for a June 10th release date, though that has not been confirmed by the label as of yet. The tracklisting is as follows: Fainting Spells Carcinogen Crush The View from Here Ether 100 Words Prior to the official release, it was leaked that two of the song titles would be 'Chair Kicking' and 'Suicide Romantic'. Some have speculated that they were renamed to The View From Here and Fainting Spells out of the largely negative feedback that occured, but that too is only speculation. Jade posted up the official tracklisting, as he claimed that all other sources had gotten it wrong. I tried to find it, but it seems everywhere it's been posted has been taken down.
It was shit quality anyway. Hopefully we get to hear a better quality and full version of the song before its official iTunes Aug 25th release. EDIT: According to the OMB, there's this thing where people have to tweet a certain word or phrase like 2000 times or something to reveal the complete tracklisting of the album plus more. Maybe the more will be the full version of Medicate? Nobody's reached that point yet.
No intro track it seems. There's this tweet to reveal the tracklisting of the album thing going on over at the AFI OMB and so far it's only at track 4. The tracklist known so far goes like this: 1.Medicate 2.Darling, I Want To Destroy You 3.Beautiful Thieves 4.I Am Trying Very Hard To Be Here (5. Other confirmed song titles, but not yet known on their placement in the tracklist are 'It Was Mine' 'Veronica Sawyer Smokes' 'End Transmission'. This is why CL will be epic! I think this news might make some people happy: No synthpop stuff on this album. It's far more rock oriented than DU.
Although I personally loved DU and Blaqk Audio, I know that a lot of people here don't, so perhaps this news may send a glimmer of hope to those who've since lost faith in AFI. I really disliked blaqk audio, but I found december underground enjoyable -but not that much- I'm glad the death shit is over, even I love the killing lights, kill caustic, etc.
Wow, Havok has a new look, looks younger -kinda remind me MxPx vocal- but seriously. Someone get a barber to Puget. I'm expecting this album then. Eh, I have mixed feelings so doesn't really seem like it's innovating their sound, which I think is what AFI usually does with their albums.
It's a step back from DU to save the true AFI music. Just like The Offspring, they went diverse. You can't infinitely bring new styles/genres (song by song) and not to dilute too much main rock styles that compose AFI.
A side project should be considered in this case. STS is where it's. AFI at the best. It's pretty much their limit (at some parameters).
But there is still place to bring new things, just like on STS. Death of Seasons for example, a little bit of techno in the middle, a little bit of classical at the end. That kind of diversity doesn't hurt them. Conversely, it adds a lot. It doesn't interfere with true AFI. However, one different song is always needed, like The Leaving Song. Or The Offspring's Dirty Magic on Ignition.
They shine on those albums. They lost the balance on DU.
It's difficult to keep it all together if you're not orthodox diverse band. Then, Davey's questionable shriek. His voice was devastated. In the album review they say it's all fixed.
It will be a blast. It's a step back from DU to save the true AFI music. Just like The Offspring, they went diverse. You can't infinitely bring new styles/genres (song by song) and not to dilute too much main rock styles that compose AFI. A side project should be considered in this case. STS is where it's.
AFI at the best. It's pretty much their limit (at some parameters). But there is still place to bring new things, just like on STS. Death of Seasons for example, a little bit of techno in the middle, a little bit of classical at the end. That kind of diversity doesn't hurt them.
Conversely, it adds a lot. It doesn't interfere with true AFI. However, one different song is always needed, like The Leaving Song. Or The Offspring's Dirty Magic on Ignition. They shine on those albums.
They lost the balance on DU. It's difficult to keep it all together if you're not orthodox diverse band. Then, Davey's questionable shriek. His voice was devastated. In the album review they say it's all fixed.
It will be a blast. I really hate it when people are like 'the true AFI'; what makes it the 'true' AFI?
I don't care how much you like it, that doesn't make it as definitive. AFI have changed their sound with every album, so how is it that one album out of all of them is the 'true' AFI experience? I think they're responding to fans that wouldn't stop bitching and moaning over DU being different than STS, so they're giving them what they want. I really hate it when people are like 'the true AFI'; what makes it the 'true' AFI?
I don't care how much you like it, that doesn't make it as definitive. AFI have changed their sound with every album, so how is it that one album out of all of them is the 'true' AFI experience?
I think they're responding to fans that wouldn't stop bitching and moaning over DU being different than STS, so they're giving them what they want. True AFI is vocals, guitars, bass and drums. Those instruments should be dominant. Generally, harder rock. Professionally, Punk revival, Hardcore-punk, Punk-pop and Alternative Pop/Rock. They are energetic, not atmospheric, fundamentally. You can carefully add other styles like Emo, Goth Rock, New wave, Electronica, Classical and its corresponding moods and themes.
If those starts to be dominant it's not true AFI anymore. That's why they created Blaqk Audio right? They were polishing their true styles since Black Sails in the Sunset.
Why should they give them up??? They can create badass riffs, why should they repress them with atmospherics like on DU??? It's their skill. Why should they stop being energetic???
Definitive thing is that it's gonna be a blast. It's a step back from DU, but a huge move forward. Who says that they won't change their sound. It sounds similar to STS but it's different.
There will be new styles added. Bluesy rock on I'm trying very hard to be here and piano on End Transmission.etc CL probably cannot be 100% true AFI, maybe 75% but not diluted 50% true AFI. You have to be more sensitive. There is a difference between changing and fundamentally changing. DU is average, muddy mix of everything.
If they want to get better at electronica or atmospherics they gotta ditch guitars and drums. Spent another 4 albums getting better at it. That would make them fundamentally different AFI. A few things. First of all, I never really liked early AFI. The first three albums were kind meh for me. I like some songs from them, but they were so repetitive and generic.
Black Sails, AOD, and STS are some of my favorite albums of all time. Those three albums, as whiney and emo as they are, don't sound like ANYTHING else out there. Totalimmortal was the song that introduced me to this band, and songs like God Called in Sick Today, Morningstar, and This Celluloid Dream made me a fan. Then DU came out, and I just never liked it. It put a huge emphasis on the whiney/emo aspect, and became a whole new kind of generic. It felt to me like they were trying to experiment, but were afraid of losing fans.
So they clung to bits of their older sound. A failing combination. Well then Blaq Audio made an album. And I loved it.
They got to fully experiment and just let it all out without worry that they'll kill the AFI fan base. (I support what they did, Cex Cells). So now AFI is back, and it seems like they got the experimentation out of their system.
These two songs are impressive, and definitely remind me of STS. Usually leaked songs aren't the best on the album, too, so this is hopeful.
I really enjoy both these songs that are out; they're not generic, yet they branch away from a lot of what we've heard on earlier albums. I like it, and I look forward to this album!!
Well, 'Fainting Spells' isn't going to be on the actual Crash Love album. It was one of those songs that was supposed to be on that EP that never got released. Instead, they're releasing the songs as bonus tracks on special editions of Crash Love. The deluxe edition on iTunes has 6 bonus songs: Fainting Spells, 100 Words, plus 4 CL b-sides. Physical copies of the deluxe edition is a 2 disc set: one with the CL album, and the other is a disc of 4 bonus songs; which are the same as what iTunes is offering except with two less CL b-sides. All in one place: 30 second clips It's fantastic. Torch song sounds very DUish.
Meh Beautiful Thieves sounds boring. End Transmission.could. be good. But still kinda meh Too Shy to Scream sounds kinda fun, like it'd be really catchy Veronica Sawyer Smokes sounds very different for AFI. Not very rockish I am trying very hard to be here is the most promising thus far. Sacrelige is the most traditional AFI sounding song so far. I definitely like it I want to destroy you sounds super like MCR crappy emo.
Meh Cold Hands could be pretty cool, or it could be super lame. Depends on what happens in the verses. It was mine sounds like a very traditional ending song, and it could be pretty decent. Overall, these clips shot down the excitement I had over the songs that were posted before. It sounds less lame than DU, but has an overall very generic sound. AFI managed to be an extremely unique band that sounded like nothing else with Black Sails, Art of Drowning, and Sing the Sorrow.
This just sounds like such plain generic emo/punk rock. You skipped Ok I feel Better Now because I added it later. Torch song, sounds like STS definitely. It stands out most for me.
My favourite. Great Josh Freese like drums. Beautiful Thieves, I like when he sings 'no one suspects at all'. End Transmission, reminds me The Killing Lights a bit.
TSTS, reminds me of Offspring's SIMU. Drum beat towards end. Veronica Sawyer Smokes, this breaks my heart.
1 minute previews of 4 songs. They definitely ripped several famous bands.
By ripped I mean they got influenced.:D Torch song, that shaking/trembling guitar, isn't it cliche these days? Flyleaf or whoever does it. To Shy To Scream, blatant LINKIN PARK!
With Stuff Is Messed Up drum beat.:D It Was Mine, seems like Chris Isaak's Wicked game but it's not.:D Hmmmmm. I figure out what reminds me Ok, I Feel Better Now, It's No Doubt.:D They chose the same way as The Offspring.
Just like RFRG. I know i bashed AFI a while ago. But then i listened to Black Sails In The Sunset. It's a really good album. I just wish they played music in the similar style now.
I'm not against evolving, but i just feel that style was better. They should be more energetic than they are.
But i am going to check out their new album. However, from the previews, i don't expect it to blow me away, i'm not sure i'm really gonna like it. Probably it'll be just an average album to me.
P.S.: forgive me for bad grammar and stuff, but i'm deffinitely not sober right now. Edit: weird, i don't remember posting this, but the grammar wasn't really bad. Hey do you have it in mp3 form cause it wont let me open it on my mac You mean you have a problem with a RAR file, or what? There must be certainly some RAR program for Macs somewhere on the internet, or not?
Anyway, I forgot I have a rapidshare premium account, so this one has no download limits(plus I added some other mirrors too): artworkonit.rar I will listen to the album later today, hope it is good, the songs I heard so far sound promising. You mean you have a problem with a RAR file, or what? There must be certainly some RAR program for Macs somewhere on the internet, or not? Anyway, I forgot I have a rapidshare premium account, so this one has no download limits(plus I added some other mirrors too): artworkonit.rar I will listen to the album later today, hope it is good, the songs I heard so far sound promising.
I love u!!!!:D Thanksssss You make my day!!! I definitely hear some Cure in this, but I don't think it sounds just like them. I'm on my second listen through, and I'm sorta meh. I like about half the songs. Some of them are very blah. It doesn't sound like a typical AFI album, which is fine - I don't expect (or want) bands to never change - but I'm not sure I like this direction. Torch Song, Beautiful Thieves, OK I Feel Better Now, Medicate, and Sacrelige are the only ones I really dig right now.
Maybe after more listens, it'll grow on me. But that's not a lot of songs to like off the bat.
I think this might get tossed aside like DU did for me. I'm finding that I enjoy this album considerably more than DecemberUnderground. There are a few songs that get stuck in my head, and I actually WANT to listen to this. There are a lot of 'meh' songs, but there aren't really any 'UGH' songs like on DU. I'd say this album is better than DU and more enjoyable than their first few albums.
But it doesn't hold a candle to All Hallows EP, Black Sails, Art of Drowning, or Sing the Sorrow. Does 'Too Shy to Scream' remind anyone else of 'Stuff is Messed Up'?
I just really mean the intro. It's got that feel to me, until he starts singing. I really don't understand why so many people are using 'catchy' to describe 'OK I Feel Better Now.' That song put me to sleep.
It's ridiculously boring. The first 4 songs and 'Medicate' are alright, but the rest of the album is pretty much crap. For some perspective, I LOVED Sing the Sorrow, liked Black Sails and Art of Drowning, never listened much to their earlier records and thought Decemberunderground was OK but could kinda tell it was the beginning of the end. Crash Love seems to confirm that. After repeated listens, I still don't like the album very much, but I just wanted to say that End Transmission is a fucking awesome song.
And Veronica Sawyer Smokes has grown on me a bit. At first I just couldn't get past how un-AFI it is. It's a decent song, it just sounds like a different band.
Medicate is a stupid choice for a first single. I'm not nearly as big on it as I was at first.
I could see any of tracks 3-5 being fairly big radio hits, so any of those would have been better choices I think. After repeated listens, I still don't like the album very much, but I just wanted to say that End Transmission is a fucking awesome song. And Veronica Sawyer Smokes has grown on me a bit. At first I just couldn't get past how un-AFI it is.
It's a decent song, it just sounds like a different band. Medicate is a stupid choice for a first single. I'm not nearly as big on it as I was at first.
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I could see any of tracks 3-5 being fairly big radio hits, so any of those would have been better choices I think. Veronica Sawyer Smokes is really poppy, maybe one of the poppiest songs they've made. I like it, but it is highly un-AFI.
As for my opinion of the whole album, it's just ok. It has some great moments but very many 'meh' moments, far too many for an AFI record. Haven't seen this many 'meh' songs since Very Proud of Ya.
And this crap about Davey saying that this will be 'the album they'll be remembered by'? Yeah, I don't think so. This is sort of average in the AFI catalog. Not their best, not their worst. So, I'm pretty sure this has been discussed in this thread numerous times, but today I made a revelation: How the fuck is the band that recorded Miss Murder the same as this one (Seriously, I'm listening to their very early stuff, and I'm freaking the fuck out.
I got an answer for you: 'Jennifer lost the war today' - 'Original Prankster'. I started with Black Sails and moved backwards, getting Very Proud of Ya and Answer That and then Art of Drowning, then Shut Your Mouth. I always saw the evolution of the band as really understandable.
It's angry, angsty that finds its height with Shut Your Mouth, then slides into a more melancholic, ethereal with Black Sails and Art of Drowning but still with certain anger. Sing the Sorrow is the watershed album, the one my friend who couldn't get into AFI when I gave her a mix CD of songs of the earlier albums loved hardcore and discovered AFI through. Their popularity also seemed to explode and they starten to include lots of different influences instead of being very recognizably gothy punkrock. But you listen to the members talk about their favourites, it's easy to see those influences are the way they want to take the band. So it feels organic to me. I like post-AoD AFI a lot (Leaving Song Part 1 is one of my biggest favourites, as is 37mm) but the 'AFI of my heart' is admittedly Black Sails/Art of Drowning/Shut Your Mouth/Very Proud of Ya.
Right now listening to the new album for the first time, not sure what I think about it yet. I got an answer for you: 'Jennifer lost the war today' - 'Original Prankster'.
This is exactly what I thought. Or how about Green Day 'Only of You' and 'Wake Me Up When September Ends'? Or even Linkin Park 'One Step Closer' and 'Shadow of the Day'? It happens all the time. I like post-AoD AFI a lot (Leaving Song Part 1 is one of my biggest favourites, as is 37mm) but the 'AFI of my heart' is admittedly Black Sails/Art of Drowning/Shut Your Mouth/Very Proud of Ya.
I agree about post-AoD, but you can remove the last two:). Well, for me, The Offspring or Green Day's evolution seemed more natural and organic than from what I see in AFI. The Offspring can still produce the exact same feel and greatness that was their early music, but with a few weird songs hear and there.
Just like Trust In You sounds like it can be a song on Smash. But with AFI, do they really still produce any music today that sounds like it can be placed on Answer That and Stay Fashionable? Maybe I'm over-thinking this, as I was always under the impression that AFI were just some terrible band I should ignore, and then I found this.
Maybe Offspring's evolution wasn't as drastic (but ONLY because of a couple songs on rfrg. Splinter, co1 and even americana sound nothing like s/t), but Green Day's and Linkin Park's definitely were. However, AFI's change doesn't even compare to that of the Goo Goo Dolls.
There's a band that's hard to believe their first album was the same guys as their most recent. (In case anyone cares, listen to this: first album last album And I think you're biased because you don't like AFI's later stuff. If you've actually heard all their albums, you'd probably hear the clear and obvious evolution that people like Sanni and I hear. They've come a loooooong way since Very Proud of Ya, and I truly felt like it was not only a natural progression, but a very good one for a while. Davey realized he could do more with his voice besides yell at the same pitch for 3 minutes straight, and the band as a whole realized they could write more intricate music. I'm not really sure what has happened with these last two albums. Pretty average stuff.
But damn, they really nailed it there in those 'in between' years. Maybe Offspring's evolution wasn't as drastic (but ONLY because of a couple songs on rfrg. Splinter, co1 and even americana sound nothing like s/t), but Green Day's and Linkin Park's definitely were.
However, AFI's change doesn't even compare to that of the Goo Goo Dolls. There's a band that's hard to believe their first album was the same guys as their most recent. (In case anyone cares, listen to this: first album last album And I think you're biased because you don't like AFI's later stuff. If you've actually heard all their albums, you'd probably hear the clear and obvious evolution that people like Sanni and I hear. They've come a loooooong way since Very Proud of Ya, and I truly felt like it was not only a natural progression, but a very good one for a while.
Davey realized he could do more with his voice besides yell at the same pitch for 3 minutes straight, and the band as a whole realized they could write more intricate music. I'm not really sure what has happened with these last two albums. Pretty average stuff.
But damn, they really nailed it there in those 'in between' years. Green Day sounds almost the same, they just added more melodic stuff, and piano, and became kinda assholes.
AFI's first albums- very proud, answer that and shut your mouth- are very. BORING and generic. Men, If I wanted hardcore, I would listen Pennywise.
The real real change came in All Hallows EP- Black sails on the sunset, that made AFI a horror hardcore punk band, and they went to awesomeness in The art of drowning and sing the sorrow. But they became mainstream. BRB LOL'ing FOREVER at somebody accusing AFI's early stuff for being generic and preferring Pennywise. Pennywise's music is the very definition of generic.
I think what makes AFI's early stuff really stand out for me is the fact it's dark and suberbly angry. Oh I just noticed my Very Proud of Ya case contains Answer That and Art of Drowning discs. Oh shit my cd collection is a mess. I just really really really fucking hope they tour Europe extensively this time and fucking come to Finland. Though if they just make Sweden this time I'm going no matter what. Man, I was just thinking about what the best AFI album is and I personally think Art of Drowning but I remember so many fuckers complaining about that album when it came out, saying it didn't compare to Black Sails. Just shows people love to complain.
BRB LOL'ing FOREVER at somebody accusing AFI's early stuff for being generic and preferring Pennywise. Pennywise's music is the very definition of generic. AHAHAH I missed that before! Whether or not AFI's early stuff is generic, PENNYWISE is the go-to comparison??
Pennywise is the most generic 'punk' band to have graced the last two decades. Oh my god, rofl. I just really really really fucking hope they tour Europe extensively this time and fucking come to Finland. Though if they just make Sweden this time I'm going no matter what.
I'd love to see AFI. I'll join in hoping for an extensive Europe tour:) Man, I was just thinking about what the best AFI album is and I personally think Art of Drowning but I remember so many fuckers complaining about that album when it came out, saying it didn't compare to Black Sails. Just shows people love to complain. Yeah isn't that always how it goes? Nothing is ever good enough. And when DU came out, people bashed it left and right, but now people are saying Crash Love doesn't compare to DU.
I saw AFI in Germany when I went to see The Offspring with Tijs and company. They were pretty good, but damn short setlist.
But Total Immortal got me really going!:D Total Immortal is such a great AFI song:). BRB LOL'ing FOREVER at somebody accusing AFI's early stuff for being generic and preferring Pennywise. Pennywise's music is the very definition of generic. I think what makes AFI's early stuff really stand out for me is the fact it's dark and suberbly angry. Oh I just noticed my Very Proud of Ya case contains Answer That and Art of Drowning discs. Oh shit my cd collection is a mess. I just really really really fucking hope they tour Europe extensively this time and fucking come to Finland.
Though if they just make Sweden this time I'm going no matter what. Man, I was just thinking about what the best AFI album is and I personally think Art of Drowning but I remember so many fuckers complaining about that album when it came out, saying it didn't compare to Black Sails.
Just shows people love to complain. That's why I said I would better listen pennywise, because I like their style I like the album now, but I really hope they get a decent second single. BTW: medicate video is on youtube Or you know, the epitome of generic pop-punk. I mean really, Pennywise?
Anyway Vera, I used to argue with a friend of mine all the time on which was the better album Art of Drowning or Black Sails. I've always sided with Art of Drowning, but I haven't listened to Afi in quite a while. I'm not sure which way I would lean now days. The first three albums are fantastic, I never really decided on which I liked the most. It is probably between Very Proud of Ya (with songs like 'He Who Laughs Last' and 'This Secret Ninja') or Shut Your Mouth and Open Eyes (with songs like 'Keeping Out of Direct Sunlight' and 'A Single Second'). Then I kept Sing the Sorrow in a totally different category, I felt it was their best album, but not always my favorite.
I always felt it was a little too polished after I spent a lot of time listening to their other albums. DecemberUnderground is good and entertaining, but I never really categorized it with the others, I'll probably feel the same about the new one after I actually listen to it a few times.
All Hallows, best EP of all time. Oh and, this is hardcore punk (so you don't get confused again. This is not hardcore punk ( Oh and, this is hardcore punk (so you don't get confused again.
WTF is that guy wearing at 1:09?? Hahahahaha wow. This is not hardcore punk (As right as you are about that song, it's sort of unfair. You picked a very new, very poppy Pennywise song. Their early stuff was at least less poppy/slightly harder Still not what most people would call hardcore, but you wouldn't take a song off Black Sails to prove AFI isn't hardcore. Yeah I gotcha. I agree with your overall point, and was probably being unnecessarily 'fair'.
At each band's most 'hardcore', AFI was easily something considered hardcore, while Pennywise has always been a stretch. But at their most current, both bands are suuuuuuuuper poppy. And yet I still respect AFI a million times more. Both have lead singers whose stage persona annoys the hell out of me, both have lyrics that I absolutely can't relate to (and generally don't like). But AFI can actually write more than one song over and over.
They've successfully written music in multiple genres, and are considerably more talented musicians. I know this is completely irrelevant. But I just think it's really funny that we've come to a point where there's a discussion over which band is better: AFI or Pennywise.:D. Okay, took a little while for this new album to sink in but my current take on it: I'm not crazy about this record. It doesn't have those 'ugh I don't want to listen to this track at all' like DU had but I'm not feeling intense love for as many tracks as I did for DU (the Interview, Summer Shiver, 37mm.). I love Torch Song, Okay I Feel Better Now, Too Shy to Scream and Darling I Want to Destroy You. Cold Hands and Veronica Sawyer Smokes are good, too.
I'm not too into Beautiful Thieves or Sacrilege. So yeah, a bit uneven, not bad, just not overwhelmingly great, either.
This is an alternate take of the B side of RPM 431, the A side being 'I'm Gonna Hit That Highway' aka 'Don't Touch Me Baby.' Both sides were recorded in Los Angeles in January 1955. Johnny 'Guitar' Watson (guitar, vocals) was accompanied by the Maxwell Davis Orchestra featuring James Parr (trumpet); Maxwell Davis (tenor sax); Big Jim Wynn (baritone sax); Willard McDaniel (piano); Billy Hadnott (bass); Jesse Price (drums). Just about all of these names will be familiar to long time followers of this blog. The reason I chose this particular track as the headline of this post is that the title sums up the reason why I haven't posted since last September.
God of war 3 pc download completo portugues iso. Although now a man, Kratos fighting the Colossus, but was mortally wounded.
I can only apologise to everyone for dropping out of sight for so long. Ever increasing pressure of work has kept me away from blogging. On top of that (or perhaps because of that) I lost my enthusiasm for music - months went by during which I listened to no music at all.
Every evening I was coming home from work and finding myself too tired to do anything much other than fall asleep in front of the TV. Not a good situation to be in. Faced with this dilemma - working or enjoying a reasonable quality of life - there was only one thing to do.
Yes, you've guessed it - give up work. I'll be retiring from drudgery in a few months time (end of August) and so I'll be able to devote time to keeping Be Bop Wino up and running. The good news is that during the first half of my absence I ripped a bunch of vinyl discs to mp3, including the tracks on this post, and so there is a stockpile of material to post. The bad news concerns Rapidshare. I was able to maintain a large back catalogue of links by taking out a Rapidshare premium account which cost around £8 per month.
Unfortunately Rapidshare have decided to increase the cost to around £50 per month which is a total rip off, so many of these links will die as I refuse to stump up that amount of cash. If anyone has any advice on alternative file sharing sites, please get in touch. Anyway, back to Johnny 'Guitar' Watson. In late 1952 he made his recording debut on piano and vocals on the Chuck Higgins and his Mellotones single 'Pachuko Hop' / 'Motor Head Baby' (Combo 12) and I've featured these tracks on the playlist below. In 1953, billed as 'Young John Watson', he was signed by Ralph Bass for Federal where he recorded the astonishing 'Space Guitar' in amongst pretty standard R&B fare which included a re-recording of 'Motor Head Baby.' In 1955 he was signed to the Bihari Brothers' RPM label. I've included a further 3 tracks from his RPM output on the playlist, all recorded around 1955 in Los Angeles.
The RPM sides are all alternate takes to the original released versions - 'I'm Gonna Hit That Highway' (RPM 431), 'Those Lonely, Lonely Nights' (RPM 436) and 'She Moves Me' (RPM 471). 'Those Lonely, Lonely Nights' was originally recorded by Earl King. Johnny's cover version was his most successful release on RPM. Here's a short playlist of some of Johnny's RPM work - all alternate takes to the released versions, plus Chuck Higgins and his Mellotones on Combo. Fans of swing and jump will recognise the 'Pachuko Hop' riff - it's Lucky Millinder's 'Apollo Jump.'
Anonymous said. Welcome back!!! I too was getting a little concerned. I know how you feel.I'm planning to retire in 12-18 months. At some point it isn't worth it. There's more to life. Sorry you lost your joy for music for awhile.I'm sure once you're retired you'll gain it back.
You always post fantastic music in great,.real. analog sound.
Both the music.and how it sounds. Zippy is the best right now for downloads, but links disappear after a month. Mega is a little more flaky for downloads (issues with different browser types, operating system types, etc), don't know how long they're retain.their old site retained quite long. RapidShare is pretty much un-useable now. Odd that they would charge so much for a site that doesn't really work for downloads anymore. I'll be thinking of you end of Aug.enjoy retirement! This is a site dedicated to rockin' 1940s and 1950s music, ripped from vinyl.

Some cuts are a bit on the rough side. If you're looking for audio perfection you're on the wrong site baby! If you like what you hear on this site please buy this kind of music. There are many reasonably priced reissues available from web dealers or perhaps from your local record shop, if it still exists. These reissues will be in far better sound quality than the vinyl rips on this site and they will usually have more up to date liner notes and info, so go out and splash a little cash now and again. Help keep those reissue labels going in these difficult times. No in-print CDs will be posted here.
In fact no CDs will be posted here. I will occasionally list recommended purchases to help you hear more from artists featured on the blog.