Drivers Learners Test Qld


In this practice test you will be required to answer all 57 sample questions from Your Keys to Driving in Queensland. You have already completed the quiz before. Hence you can not start it again. Quiz is loading. You must sign in or sign up to start the quiz. You have to finish following quiz, to start this quiz. Evidence of identity (EOI) and Qld residency Can you show your Qld Driver Licence, Industry Authority, Marine Licence (with photo) or Adult Proof of Age card that is current or expired less than 2 years ago? Licence/reference number If you cannot show identification listed above, you must provide: 3 EOI documents + evidence of Qld residency. At least 1 EOI. To study for this test you can either:- Buy a copy of Your Keys to Driving in Queensland booklet (Learners Questions/Answers) $13.30 from us or any newsagency. Or; You can practice on line here. The Driving Examiner's prefer that you have completed your learner questions before you undertake your driving test, however,.

To get a driver licence in Queensland or add another class to your existing licence, you must pass and. If you hold a P1 licence, you also need to pass a before getting your P2 or open licence. Written road rules (knowledge) tests You must pass a written road rules (knowledge) test before you can:. get a learner licence.

get a different or. apply to to Queensland. Preparing for a written test The questions in the test come from which has information on Queensland road rules, driver licensing requirements and sample test questions. The class RE or R (motorcycle) knowledge test also includes questions based on information from the. You can also take an. There are different tests for. Class C (car) general road rules (knowledge) test This test has 30 multiple choice questions.

To pass you must correctly answer at least:. 9 out of 10 questions about giving way. 18 out of 20 questions about road rules and driver licence requirements. Class RE or R (motorcycle) knowledge test You need to answer at least 27 out of 30 multiple choice questions correctly on topics ranging from road rules to risk management and hazard perception. You don’t need to take this test if you already have a Queensland class RE licence and are upgrading to a class R licence.

Class LR, MR, HR, HC or MC (heavy vehicle) road rules knowledge test You must answer at least 8 out of 10 multiple choice questions correctly on the road rules for heavy vehicles. You don’t need to take this test if you already have an Australian heavy vehicle licence. Taking a written test In person at a driver licence issuing centre You can take all written road rules (knowledge) tests at a. To take a test you must bring:. a completed, unsigned. —if you are applying as a returning driver.

the. the —if you are applying to get a learner licence. You can take the test once a day, but you must pay the fee for each attempt. If you pass the test, your results are valid for 5 years.

Online—class RE (motorcycle) knowledge test The is also available online. You can take this test online if you:. hold a valid provisional, probationary or open Queensland licence and. have held a licence of another class (car or heavy vehicle) for at least 1 year in the past 5 years. have already completed the Q-Ride pre-learner course or been granted an exemption from it. You can only take the test once a day, however, a fee is only required when you pass the test.

If you are, you will need to complete the motorcycle knowledge test in person at a driver licence issuing centre. When you pass the test, you will be given options to pay the. You can pay this fee online using a debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa).

Online Learners Permit Test

Drivers Learners Test Qld

Payments made by credit card will incur a. If you pass and pay for the test online you may be able to have the class RE learner automatically added to your licence and a new licence sent to you.

The class RE learner can not be automatically upgraded if:. you have a laminate licence.

your licence is expired or will expire within 6 weeks from the date you pay your test fee. you have not had a digital photo and digitised signature taken in the last 9 years. If you want to pay cash, you will need to do this at a. You must pay for your motorcycle knowledge test and have the class RE learner added to your licence before you can start learning to ride a motorcycle.

Practical driving test You can upgrade your learner licence or upgrade to another class by passing a practical driving test. Booking your practical test To book a practical driving test you can:. pay the booking fee at a customer service centre and then book your test by calling 13 23 90.

book by calling 13 23 90 and then or. pay the booking fee and then have your driver trainer book the test for you. You can pay for bookings online with a Visa or MasterCard. You can pay with cash, cheque, money order, debit or credit cards at a customer service centre. The practical driving test cost includes the booking fee.

Payments made by credit card will incur a. Note: Q-SAFE practical riding tests for class RE and R motorcycle licences cannot be booked online. If you are eligible to undertake a Q-SAFE practical riding test you will need to book a test by calling 13 23 80 and then pay online or visit your nearest transport and motoring customer service centre that issues licences.

Changing your test booking You can change a booking:. by calling 13 23 90 or. by visiting a to use the courtesy phone available to change your test.

Changes to your booking must be made at least 2 business days prior to your test, test fees won't be refunded. A new booking fee will apply to changes made within 2 business days of your test. Cancelling your test booking You can cancel a booking:. by calling 13 23 90 or. by visiting a to use the courtesy phone available to cancel your test. To receive a refund of your test fees you must contact us and cancel your test booking at least 2 business days before your test.

Test fees are not refunded within 2 business days of cancellations. What to bring to your practical test You should arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time. On the day of your test, you must:. bring a completed, unsigned. have the registration number of the vehicle you are using for the test. have permission of the registered operator to use the vehicle for the test.

provide. bring any current Queensland or foreign licence (with a ), if applicable. bring a currently registered and roadworthy with correctly displayed L-plates. have your —if applicable If you don’t meet these requirements, you will need to book and pay for a new test. Once you arrive for your test, you will need to go inside the centre and lodge your completed forms with a Customer Service Officer.

If the centre is not open (for example, if your test is booked for 8.00am and the centre does not open until 8.30am or 9:30am on Wednesdays) you should wait outside the Customer Service Centre entrance for the driving examiner to meet you. Your test fee will not be refunded if your test is cancelled because you:.

arrive late. don’t meet the logbook requirements at the time of the test. don’t have the registered operator’s permission to use the vehicle for the test. the test vehicle you have isn’t safe and suitable for the test. Recognised English translations If you are transferring a foreign licence that is not in English you need to provide a recognised English translation provided by:. a translator accredited with the (NAATI).

the —for migrants and refugees within their first 2 years of residence. the New South Wales. a Consul-General or authorised officer—the translation must be on official letterhead and stamped with the official consulate stamp. Improvements to the practical driving test From 29 June 2015 an enhanced practical driving test (also known as Q-SAFE) commenced across Queensland.

The enhanced test applies to practical tests for cars, heavy vehicles and motorcycles. The major enhancements, placing a stronger emphasis on high-risk manoeuvres and safe driving skills and behaviours, include:.

Introducing zero tolerance to speeding whereby a critical driving error will be applied for any level of speeding, reflecting the fact that it is against the law to speed over the posted speed limit in any circumstances. Increasing the significance of not maintaining an appropriate following distance and not displaying appropriate hazard perception by introducing a specific repeat driving error for both criteria—resulting in a fail if a person commits the same error 4 times. Introducing highly desirable drive situations such as high speed merging, to be assessed if the infrastructure and/or traffic conditions are available.

In areas where infrastructure does not allow for a high speed merge, a left or right turn from a side road into a higher speed road is recommended as an alternative. Reducing the minimum number of manoeuvres required to be assessed from 3 to 2. The current selection of manoeuvres will be retained are turn around, U-turn, hill start, automatic gear change, reversing exercise and reverse park—1 of the manoeuvres must have a reversing component. Strengthening the criteria to specifically prescribe the minimum number of right and left turns that must be completed at certain intersection types—such as T-section and cross road intersections. The enhanced Q-SAFE practical driving test also places a greater emphasis on the driving examiners providing meaningful feedback to the candidate at the end of the test.

To help you develop the skills needed to pass the Q-SAFE practical driving test and become a safer driver, it is suggested you read the guide to the practical driving test:. Taking the practical driving test Your driving examiner will give you instructions before you start your test.

Listen carefully to the instructions and ask questions about anything you don’t understand. After the test has started, the driving examiner can’t answer questions that may influence your driving performance. Your driving examiner will give you tasks to perform during the test. You must complete these tasks while following the road rules. The driving examiner will not ask you to do anything illegal or unsafe. If your test vehicle is fitted with blind-spot mirrors, you must still look over your shoulder to make sure there are no vehicles in either blind spot.

Make sure you turn off your mobile phone before the test begins. The length of the test will depend on the licence code you are applying for. However, events such as roadworks and crashes may affect the length of your test. Maximum on-road test time Licence class Maximum on-road test time RE and R 35 minutes C and LR 35 minutes MR and HR 70 minutes HC 80 minutes After the practical driving test Your driving examiner will discuss the results of your test at the testing centre at the end of your test.

If you have passed the test. If you hold a learner licence, interstate licence or foreign licence, you must before your new licence can be issued. If you already hold a current Queensland provisional P1, P2 or open licence, you will be issued a new licence showing the upgraded licence class at no cost. You will be given a driver licence receipt authorising you to drive until your new licence is received in the mail. You must remove your L-plates before you leave the centre. If you are issued with a P1 or P2 licence, you must display the relevant P-plates.

Not displaying a P-plate also carries a fine and 2 demerit points. Becoming a P-plater means you can’t drive a. This means, if you passed your driving test in a high-powered vehicle, you will not be able to drive it away from the testing centre. If you haven’t passed the test. Before you leave, make sure you know exactly what you did wrong and how you can improve. Come back after more practice and try again. There is no limit to the number of times you may take the test, but you must pay a fee every time.

From 1 January 2015, a cooling off period will apply if you fail a class C (or CA) practical driving test. Cooling off periods are:. First fail—you can resit the test on the next day after the first time you fail the test. Second fail—you can resit the test on the 8th day after the second time you fail the test. Third and subsequent fail—you can resit the test on the 29th day after the third and subsequent time you fail the test. You can book to resit your practical driving test before the cooling off period has ended.

If you hold a foreign licence and you fail a practical driving test, your authority to drive on your foreign licence will be withdrawn. You will be able to use your foreign licence for the next practical driving test you take, but you will not be able to use this licence to practise driving. You will have to if you need to practise driving before taking your next test.

Learner licence Once you turn 16, you can apply for your learner licence to drive a car. To get a, you have to hold a provisional, probationary or open car licence for at least 1 year before you can apply. A learner licence allows you to drive a car under supervision. Your supervisor must have held an open licence for at least one year and currently hold an open licence (for example, their licence must not be expired or suspended). To get your learner licence, you need to pass a written road rules test and be to drive. Preparing for the written test The written test for a car consists of 30 multiple-choice questions about road rules and driver licence requirements. Gives you all the information you need to pass the test You can also prepare for your test by completing the online.

How to apply You can apply for a learner licence at a:. participating. licence-issuing (in rural or remote areas of Queensland).

You will need to bring:. a completed.

your. if needed, a from your doctor stating that you are fit to drive. the. If you pass the written road rules test, you will receive a driver licence receipt for your learner licence which authorises you to drive until your learner licence is received in the mail. You will also receive information on how to obtain the TMR Logbook application to record your driving experience. If you need one, you can be provided a bound logbook. If you do not pass the written test, you have to wait until the next working day to take the test again.

You must pay the test fee every time you take the test.