Airowizard Tutorial


Airowizard Tutorial Video

AirowizardAirowizard Tutorial

I wanted to show you this program called Airowizard it is one of the fastest methods of cracking WEP keys on a Windows computer. Development on this program has been stopped sadly, but it is one of the easiest programs to use for WEP Cracking Download: Video on.

Thanks for you help, but I cannot make it to work. First, I don't know much about Windows (I'm under v8.1) so please be patient with me. I downloaded Aircrack-ng 1.2 RC 4 and put the unzipped folder in C: Then I'm not sure were to put the files in peek folder. They can be in bin/ or bin/32bit or bin/64bit. I tried in all of them. But when clicking on airodump or aircrack a black window with white letters opens up for less than a second and nothing happens. Wow patch 4 3 mining bot ffxiv.

What am I doing wrong? What can I do to make it work? Thanks a lot!