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When Idries created his family tree, he started with just the name of his parents and grandparents. Soon, Ancestry Hints started popping up: 'I was getting all these leaves, taking me back generation after generation.' Joining forces with his twin, Jamil, the brothers uncovered fascinating stories. Discover your family history and start your family tree. Try free and access billions of genealogy records including Census, SSDI & Military records. Herefordshire genealogy. 'HEREFORDSHIRE, an inland Co. Border of Wales, and bounded N. By Shropshire and Worcestershire, E. By Worcestershire and Gloucestershire, S. By Gloucestershire and. Includes some Herefordshire parishes, and results are free to access after a simple registration process.

TheGenealogist has released some useful records this week for those who are researching their military ancestors. Here is the press release that gives you more information and a link to a fascinating article: is pleased to announce it has added two new record sets that will be useful for researching the First World War and Victorian soldiers. Press Release from TheGenealogist. Adds to its growing collection of Parish Records with the release of those for Nuneaton & North Warwickshire.

Include dates and places of birth where known, next about you extended family, who were your grandparents and where did they live? Again, if you have dates of birth this will help you later on. Once you have the basic information ask any living relatives what they know or remember.

You may find some research has already been done on a tree or they may be a collection of memorabilia documents or photographs that someone is willing to share with you the next step is to put this information into a tree builder. The BBC 2 TV programme: is on our screens today, or can be seen on the iPlayer for 30 days. Horatio Nelson was Britain’s greatest naval hero and this programme shows us how he was also a prolific letter writer.

The correspondence reveals that Nelson was a very different and more complex man than the hero that Britain created after his death. Using Nelson’s letters this drama documentary exposes Nelson’s skilful and manipulative use of PR to advance his career, and shows how he was careful in his praise of his rivals – in case they threatened his own prospects. And the letters reveal how his passionate love affair with Lady Emma Hamilton changed his life forever. The programme stars the highly regarded RSC actor Jonathan Slinger as Nelson. In a twist, on their website that reveals more of Nelsons words but this time as featured in his last will and testament that can be found using their resources.

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Of particular interest is the codicil that Nelson wrote just before the Battle of Trafalgar “in sight of the combined fleets of France and Spain” that asked the King and Government to provide for his mistress, Lady Emma Hamilton. With the great victory that Nelson delivered, but losing his life in the process, the authorities heaped money and titles on his family while ignoring his very last wishes in the codicil he had written on the day of his death! If you read my last post, then you will know that with a month to go I was writing my list for Santa (or at least as a massive hint for loved ones to buy me something useful this year!). So it is very timely that this news has come in from the team at TheGenealogist: TheGenealogist Family History Shop is now open! Christmas is coming; it’s that time for giving and receiving again. Are you looking for some great gifts to make a family historian happy this festive period? Simply head over to the fantastic new shop pages recently added to TheGenealogist for a great selection of scanners, software, archival storage, spring binders and charts.

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Made available in association with S&N Genealogy Supplies, the UK’s largest genealogy publisher and retailer, your present selection is covered this Yuletide. While you are there, why not browse for something for yourself? To make sure that you get what you want in your stocking this year, just drop your loved ones the hint by giving them link.

TheGenealogist shop. This Saturday 27th September is the Bristol & Avon Family History Open Day. It’s on from 10am to 4pm at The University of the West of England in Bristol. Entry is £2 per person and young people under 16 have free entry. There’s a number of excellent talks happening throughout the day including the popular ‘Breaking down brick walls’ with Mark Bayley from TheGenealogist, Jacqueline Wadsworth ‘The Effects of World War 1 on home life’ and Clive Burton ‘Bristol at the outbreak of World War 1 and the formation of Bristol’s Own’. If you have ancestors in the Somerset, Gloucestershire or Avon areas, or live nearby, why not visit the Bristol & Avon Family History Open Day?

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There’s more details at the. If you’d like to keep updated on the latest family history developments and special offers, it’s worth taking a look at the latest email newsletter from S&N Genealogy Supplies. With details on the latest record releases from including over 1.3 million records of wounded soldiers from the First World War and a new collection of Distinguished Conduct Medals now online and the latest downloads from Surrey parishes available from S&N, there is something for every family historian. There is also a special offer on binders and sleeves if you’re looking to get all your valuable documents in order and a competition to enter to win some great prizes in this free e-newsletter. It’s all available. Latest news from TheGenealogist is the launch of over 80,000 fully searchable records of British and Commonwealth prisoners, of all ranks, who were captured in the First World War.

The new records provide access to records of all servicemen taken prisoner between 1914 to 1918. From Senior Officers captured, to the NCOs and Privates in the Infantry, the records are all found in the exclusive ‘Prisoner of War’ collection on TheGenealogist. You can search all ranks for the first time on any family history website, giving access to the many soldiers, sailors and airmen captured and held behind enemy lines. The records are fully searchable and provide the main details including, forename, surname, rank, regiment and the date the information was received. Records are found quickly and easily using the specific ‘Prisoner of War’ interface on TheGenealogist.

Mark Bayley, Head of Online Content at TheGenealogist comments: “The new Prisoner of War records we’ve published are a great new unique resource for all family historians. If our ancestors were either officers or in the lower ranks, there’s now more chance than ever to discover their details including when they were taken prisoner and when they were released. Sadly many men never returned and our records will hopefully show the brave men who endured the terrible hardships of the Prisoner of War camps will not be forgotten and can now easily be traced by their descendants.” More details can be found New prisoner of war records now available on TheGenealogist.