The Spirits` Book Allan Kardec Pdf
Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers. Allan kardec book results by author from books. Allan Kardec spells it out; “The only true guarantee for spirits’ teachings is in the overall agreement amongst revelations made spontaneously through a large number of mediums unknown to one other and in several places.” 3 The above is the basis for all of Allan Kardec’s books.
First edition of the book, published in 1857. The Spirits Book ( Le Livre des Esprits in original ) is part of the, and is regarded as one of the five fundamental works of.
It was published by the educator on April 18, 1857. It was the first and remains the most important spiritist book, because it addresses in first hand all questions developed subsequently by Allan Kardec. The book is structured as a collection of questions regarding the origin of the spirits, the purpose of the life, the order of the universe, evil and good and the. Its answers, according to Kardec, were given to him by a group of spirits who identified themselves as 'The Spirit of Truth', with whom he communicated in several sessions during the 1850s. Kardec, who considered himself an 'organizer' rather than an author, grouped the questions and their answers by theme, occasionally including lengthier digressions the spirits had dictated to him on specific subjects, some signed by philosophers such as and and writers including. Contents. Overview The basic concepts presented by the book are:.

The Spirits Book Free Download

(i.e. There is only one Supreme Being, the source of all and alike).