Yourkit Java Profiler 12 Crack


Yourkit Profiler for Java UNIX v6.0.2 英文正式版(Java程式分析軟體)YourKit Java Profiler 是業界領先的Java程式性能分析工具。程式的CPU和記憶體性能 剖析歷來是很困難的,YourKit創造出了革命性的性能分析工具,可應用在研發和生產階 段,為專業的Java開發者帶來了無比的好處。.

I have used and extensively. They are fairly similar in features and price. They both offer useful performance profiling and quite basic memory profiling. DotTrace integrates with Resharper, which is really convenient, as you can profile the performance of a unit test with one click from the IDE.

However, dotTrace often seems to give spurious results (e.g. Saying that a method took several years to run) I prefer the way that ANTS presents the profiling results.

It shows you the source code and to the left of each line tells you how long it took to run. DotTrace just has a tree view.

Is quite basic and requires you to compile special instrumented versions of your assemblies which can then be run in the EQATEC profiler. It is, however, free.

Overall I prefer ANTS for performance profiling, although if you use Resharper then the integration of dotTrace is a killer feature and means it beats ANTS in usability. The free Microsoft CLR Profiler ( / ) is all you need for.NET memory profiling.

2011 Update: The has quite a basic UI but lots of useful information, including some information on unmanaged memory which dotTrace and ANTS lack - you might find it useful if you are doing COM interop, but I have yet to find any profiler that makes COM memory issues easy to diagnose - you usually have to break out windbg.exe. The ANTS profiler has come on in leaps and bounds in the last few years, and its memory profiler has some truly useful features which now pushed it ahead of dotTrace as a package in my estimation. I'm lucky enough to have licenses for both, but if you are going to buy one.Net profiler for both performance and memory, make it ANTS. Others have covered performance profiling, but with regards to memory profiling I'm currently evaluating both the Scitech.NET Memory Profiler 3.1 and ANTS Memory Profiler 5.1 (current versions as of September 2009). I tried the JetBrains one a year or two ago and it wasn't as good as ANTS (for memory profiling) so I haven't bothered this time. From reading the web sites it looks like it doesn't have the same memory profiling features as the other two.

Both ANTS and the Scitech memory profiler have features that the other doesn't, so which is best will depend upon your preferences. Generally speaking, the Scitech one provides more detailed information while the ANTS one is really incredible at identifying the leaking object. Overall, I prefer the ANTS one because it is so quick at identifying possible leaks.

I would add that dotTrace's ability to diff memory and performance trace sessions is absolutely invaluable (ANTS may also have a memory diff feature, but I didn't see a performance diff). Being able to run a profiling session before and after a bug fix or enhancement, then compare the results is incredibly valuable, especially with a mammoth legacy.NET application (as in my case) where performance was never a priority and where finding bottlenecks could be VERY tedious.

Doing a before-and-after diff allows you to see the change in call count for each method and the change in duration for each method. This is helpful not only during code changes, but also if you have an application that uses a different database, say, for each client/customer.

If one customer complains of slowness, you can run a profiling session using their database and compare the results with a 'fast' database to determine which operations are contributing to the slowness. Of course there are many database-side performance tools, but sometimes I really helps to see the performance metrics from the application side (since that's closer to what the user's actually seeing).

Bottom line: dotTrace works great, and the diff is invaluable.

You can unpack the profiler into any other directory, but this instructions and our scripts assume that the profiler is unpacked into JIRA install dir. If you will be able to restart JIRA before profiling, this is all you need — you can proceed to. Additional Download to Profile JIRA Without Restart If you need to profile JIRA without restarting it first (and assuming it is not already started with a profiler agent), you will need to download full distribution of the YourKit Java Profiler:. Open. Click on ZIP Archive type of download - NOT the installer! ZIP archive is typically downloaded under 'Solaris' section - it is the correct link even if you run JIRA on Windows. License key is not required for our purpose!

Do not request evaluation license. (Unless you intend to do an evaluation of YourKit, of course.). Unpack the downloaded ZIP into /profiler – this is the directory created at step 1. Unpacking will create a sub-directory there - for example, /profiler/yjp-9.5.6. Restart JIRA with Profiling. C knights an introduction to programming in c pdf book. The following instruction is provided for a standalone JIRA installation. To restart JIRA with profiling, you need to pass additional options to Java that runs JIRA.

This is done by editing bin setenv.bat on Windows or /bin/ on a Unix-based OS and pointing Java to a profiler agent that you have unpacked at step 1. Find out which profiler agent to use. Look into /profiler/bin directory. Typically there will be two sub-directories for your operating system: 32-bit and 64-bit. The bitness must match the bitness of JVM that runs JIRA.

Yourkit Java Profiler 12 Crack

You can verify which Java your JIRA runs on if you open Administration System Info in JIRA and look for 'Java VM'. If it mentions '64-Bit', then JIRA runs on a 64-bit Java.

Note the name of the subdirectory under profiler directory that corresponds to the bitness of target JVM: it may be win64 or linux-x86-32 or something like that. Edit setenv script:. On Windows, set or append the following parameters to JVMSUPPORTRECOMMENDEDARGS in bin setenv.bat (following is a single long line). JVMSUPPORTRECOMMENDEDARGS='-agentpath:`dirname '$0 '`/./profiler/bin/linux-x86-64/,onlylocal,dir=`dirname '$0 '`/./profiler/snapshots,delay=20000 -XX:MaxPermSize=500m'.

Note that in the lines above, you should change win64 or linux-x86-64 to the name of the directory where the correct profiler agent for your OS/Java is located. You may also need to change port=10001 to make profiling agent listen on some other TCP port - in case port 10001 is already taken. Stop JIRA and start it again. Watch /logs/catalina.out for YourKit message like YourKit Java Profiler 9.5.6 Loaded. If possible, restart JIRA with profiling instead of attaching profiler agent on the fly. You will need the full distribution of YourKit downloaded at step 1.1. You will need to run a Java program as specified below - with the same version of Java that JIRA runs on.

We assume that it is in your PATH variable in the command-line, but if it's not - you need to specify a full path to java. Find out the process ID of the process that runs JIRA. You can use jps command from the Java distribution. Find out the location of JDK (Java Development Kit). If you don't have JDK installed (only JRE), this procedure won't work. Typically JDK home is stored in the command-line environment variable JAVAHOME. Change current directory to /profiler/yjp-9.5.6.

(You may have a different version of yjp.). Run the following command, substituting JIRA process ID instead of PID. On Windows. Attaching to process 60108 using options port=10001,onlylocal,dir=. Snapshots The profiler agent has attached. Waiting while it initializes.

The agent is loaded and is listening on port 10001. You can connect to it from the profiler UI. Running Profiling Session To successfully run a profiling session, you need to have JIRA running with a profiling agent, as explained above. The agent does not add much overhead when being idle — it sits there waiting for your commands to start a profiling session. General Procedure The profiling session is controlled by sending commands to the profiling agent (within the JIRA process). The program that is used to send the commands is yjp-controller-api-redist.jar, located in /profiler.

The common format for running this program is. Java -jar yjp-controller-api-redist.jar localhost 10001 capture-performance-snapshot 5. Sending the Snapshots to Support Team By default, snapshots are written into /profiler/snapshots directory.

Locate it and create a ZIP archive of all relevant snapshot files. If the ZIP is less than 10 Megabytes, it's ok to send it to us by e-mail. If the ZIPPed snapshot is 10 MB or larger, you need to use FTP to send it over to us:. Use any FTP client ( ftp or lftp from the command line). Connect to host Use login name almftp and password almftp. Upload files to the root folder.

Yourkit Java Profiler 12 Crack 7

After the upload is finished, please send us an e-mail with a notification that you have uploaded the snapshots.