Red Eye Black Ops Game Save Editor Download
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Hey guys, my first video! In this video i will be showing you guys how to mod black ops 1 online/Zombies and campaign with a usb! CAN WE HIT 5 LIKES FOR MY FIRST VIDEO?! Codes i used ( Recommended and the best ones ) - ALL CODES ( all codes there is, alot of them can get you banned, that's why i recommend the ones i used ) - Note: If you want to find zombies or campaign codes, google 'black ops game save editor codes' and then look for zombies. Black ops 1 game save editor -.YOU NEED WINRAR TO OPEN THE GAME SAVE EDITOR. DONT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE MODS AND TUTORIALS!
(Red-EyeX32) first Black Ops Game Save Editor for PS3! This application allows you to open, view and edit Black Ops Game Saves, this can be used for USB modding without any JB/CFW PS3. Do not remove any files in the application's folder because then its not going to work correctly. How To Use Tool: Copy Black Ops Game Save from PS3 to PC. Advanced Warfare Save Mods by Red EyeX32 - Duration: 5 minutes, 8 seconds. Anyhow, this is a modified save data that I made using my save editor which will be linked below.
Yes, i have an elgato and i am going to use it in my future videos!
=) Today im showing you something some of you don't know. You can host XP Lobbies and modded lobbies without a jailbreak, on bo1 online! 1) Grab your USB device and plug it into your ps3's usb slots.
2) Navigate to GameGamesave Utility(PS3)and then to Black Ops 3) Press Triangle, and select copy; copy the save to your usb drive. 4) Plug your usb into your computer, open it up and find the PS3 folderSAVEGAMESBLUS30591-AUTO- 5) Copy the BLUS30591-AUTO- folder to your desktop. =) Today im showing you something some of you don't know.
Red Eyex32 Bo2 Save Editor
You can host XP Lobbies and modded lobbies without a jailbreak, on bo1 online! 1) Grab your USB device and plug it into your ps3's usb slots.
2) Navigate to GameGamesave Utility(PS3)and then to Black Ops 3) Press Triangle, and select copy; copy the save to your usb drive. 4) Plug your usb into your computer, open it up and find the PS3 folderSAVEGAMESBLUS30591-AUTO- 5) Copy the BLUS30591-AUTO- folder to your desktop.
Try to framework or turn off antivirus There is never a console tool that requires this. (in red) As console and pc aren't written in the same language.(there is nothing that would be picked up as virus if program is legit) Odds are he doesn't have the framework (4.5)or if I remember right this program is in x64.

He would have to search for an x86 version. (or whatever os he has) If the owner of a console editing tool tells you to turn off your antivirus to download then odds are it is completely bullshit.
I think I have a ps3 savegame editor on my cloud. Red Eye x32 (x86) 1zUE This one works Here's a bruteforce savedata: